10 Amazing ways to experience South Africa

Just to mention the word South Africa Safari conjures up images of trekking through the bush in a solar topee on foot with a local guide to keep you safe and show all the big game in its natural surroundings.

The reality today is rather easier on the feet and you’ll probably see more as well. A Safari in South Africa is only one way to experience what this great country has to offer. Holidays to Cape Town provide a base from which to visit the Cape itself as well as a Kruger safari in the famous Kruger National Park. Not all the wildlife is to be found inland. A Kruger Park safari is a great way to see lions and wildebeest and such amazing animals but how about sharks. Shark diving South Africa will open up a whole new world under the sea.

Shark cage diving Cape Town is a must for those drawn to the world beneath the ocean. Cage diving South Africa is a well organised activity and safety is assured. Safari Cape Town to Shark diving Cape Town, it’s the city that has everything!

A gap year South Africa will keep anyone fully occupied for the whole year and what an fantastic experience. Addicted to Travel are the people to talk to about such a venture. Time is rather more limited for most travellers so escorted tours South Africa will be the best way to make the best use of what time is available.

A wilderness South Africa Safari is a wonderful way to get out and about in the interior and see what this country is really all about for most of us, the wildlife. It’s not just for the rugged explorer and survival expert either, although the Bush is still a place to treat with great respect just like the sea. Family safaris South Africa enable more everyday folk to experience and appreciate the wonders of Bush and Veldt.

Whatever holiday in South Africa appeals, travel to South Africa with Addicted to Travel and you can relax knowing that they’ll take care of everything.

If you are looking to explore the most amazing places on planet earth, then visit Addicted to Travel and discuss your travel requirements directly with highly knowledgeable people who actually live and operate in the very destination you wish to visit.

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